
New Club Rules for Shooting Indoors
Please note we are following the latest AGB guidelines and the Leisure Centre rules
Following the late announcement on Friday the 25th, indoor archery is now exempt from the rule of 6, but to maintain socially distancing and target placing we will stay with 6 lanes for the time being. However, a family group, husband and wife etc. can book to shoot on 1 lane and therefore we’ll be able to have more than 6 attending at any one time on a Sunday.
Shooting time will be restricted to 40 minutes maximum including set up and take down time and you must pre-book a slot as per outdoor shooting. A new indoor page has been set up on google sheets. Please contact the secretary if you do not have access.
It is important that you arrive and leave at the allotted times, if you are late the session will start without you. You must take down your bow and leave promptly when instructed by the field captain to ensure that we give everyone the chance to shoot. The shooting times are clearly shown on the booking sheets. If you are attending session 1, you will be expected to help set up and session 3, you will be expected to help packing away.
Access to the hall is via the rear door of the leisure centre only and only 1 person or family group should enter at a time leaving the correct social distance between each. You will also leave via the same door (these are Leisure Centre rules and must be complied with)
The only toilets open are in the reception area of the leisure centre and you must follow the marked lanes when walking. Gents – only 1 person allowed in the toilets at any one time. Ladies – 2 at any one time (these are Leisure Centre rules and we must comply)
Archers must stay in their own lanes either on their own or with another family member only when shooting
Archers must only touch their own arrows and their own equipment
Archers must stay within their designated area when not shooting and should wear a face mask when not shooting, unless there is a medical reason why they cannot wear one
Please pay attention to the field captain on the day
As we will only be able to cater for limited numbers shooting indoors on any given Sunday, we may have to operate a rota system to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to shoot at least one every 2 weeks (this will depend on numbers of archers for the indoor season). However, we feel with the new exemption that we should all be able to shoot.