The Club constitution
The club shall be called Shenley Archers, hereinafter referred to as the Club.
The object of the Club shall be the promotion of Archery in all its forms, other than Bow Hunting.
Management of the Club's affairs shall be entrusted to the Club Committee. The Officers of the Club shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. No person shall hold more than one of these posts. The Club Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus further ordinary Committee members as appointed. The total number of the Committee members shall not be less than three or more than seven. The Officers and ordinary Committee members of the Club shall be appointed by members at the Annual General Meeting. Whenever the number of Committee members is less than seven, the Committee may co-opt further members.
If there should occur a vacancy for an Officer during the year, the Committee has power to appoint a Committee member to take up that post. The membership shall be informed of this happening, and the reasons for it, within two weeks of the Committee meeting at which the decision is taken.
The quorum for a Committee meeting is three.
At meetings of the Club Committee, the Chairman, if it is necessary, is entitled to an additional deciding vote.
The Club Committee may appoint sub-Committees and may delegate to such Committees powers within any limits it may define.
General Meetings
General Meetings shall be either Annual or Extraordinary.
Not less than twenty-one clear days' notice of General Meetings shall be given to each Club Member.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not more than fifteen months, and not less than nine months, after the previous AGM at a place to be determined by the Club Committee.
The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting when required to by the Committee, or at the request of at least one-quarter of the Club membership. Notice of any Proposition which it is intended to move shall be given to all Club members entitled to receive notice of the Meeting.
At all General Meetings:
The quorum shall be five Senior members of the Club. All Senior members (including Honorary and Non-shooting members) shall be entitled to one vote. The Chairman shall, if required, be entitled to cast an additional deciding vote. In the case of emergency, the Officers of the Club shall together have powers to act.
The postal address of the club shall be that of the Secretary. The Committee may use email or similar electronic communication mediums to discuss topics outside of meetings, but any decisions so made must be ratified at a formal Committee Meeting.
The Constitution of the Club shall not be altered except at a General Meeting of the Club. Members wishing to move a proposition to alter the Constitution shall submit such proposition to the Secretary no less than twenty eight days before the General Meeting at which such proposition is to be considered. Notice of such proposition shall be sent to all members entitled to receive notice of such meeting.
Nothing will be included in this Constitution which conflicts with that of Archery GB (AGB).
Assets and Finances
The funds and property of the Club shall be vested in the Officers of the Club.
The Treasurer shall be prepare, and shall present at the Annual General Meeting, a Balance Sheet showing the financial position of the Club on the preceding 1st April, together with an Income and Expenditure Account for the twelve months ending on that day.
A copy of the Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account, duly certified by the Auditor, shall be sent with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting to each Club member.
A Bank Account shall be maintained in the name of the Club. The Annual General Meeting will decide, for the subsequent year, which Committee Members shall have authority to sign
cheques and orders withdrawing monies from the account, but these shall always include the Chairman and Treasurer.
All funds received on behalf of the Club shall remain the property of the Club and there will be no distribution of such funds amongst the members. In the event of the dissolution of the club, all assets of the Club shall be donated to a charitable or community organisation whose purpose is the promotion of the sport of Archery.
Shooting Regulations
The Shooting Regulations as prescribed in the AGB Rules of Shooting shall be accepted as governing the relevant branches of the sport of Archery practised by the Club and its members.
Membership will be restricted to a maximum of 75 persons.
There shall be the following classes of member:
Senior Members
Junior Members
Honorary Members
Associate Members
Non-shooting Members
The Club may allow family memberships, whereby several related persons pay one subscription jointly; such persons will for all other purposes be regarded as holding individual memberships (senior or junior, as appropriate to their age).
Any person whom the Club may wish to honour for distinguished service to the Club may be elected at a General Meeting of the Club as Honorary Member for Life or for a specified period of time.
Associate Members are those who pay AGB fees through another club, county, region, or directly to AGB. They will pay the normal applicable club fees for their equivalent standard membership category. In addition they will pay BAA and/or SCAS fees if not already paid through another club.
Any person interested in Archery, having attained the age of 18 shall be eligible for admittance as a Senior Member, or under that age as a Junior Member, subject to the criteria detailed below.
All members shall accept the jurisdiction of the Club and shall conform to such conditions, shooting rules and regulations as may be determined from time to time.
Membership of the Club requires membership of AGB, and conformance to the rules of AGB.
Non-compliance with this requirement invalidates membership of the Club, notwithstanding any membership subscription which might have been paid.
Before joining, any prospective member must satisfy the Club Committee of their ability to shoot safely. This requirement will normally be met by demonstrating such ability to two members, one of whom must be a Committee member, and the other of whom must be a properly trained person, such as an archery coach or leader, approved by the Committee for this purpose. The Committee at its discretion may stipulate different criteria in individual cases. Where this happens the decision and the reasons for it will be specified in the minutes of the appropriate Committee meeting.
Where a Committee member feels that range safety is being compromised by an individual, s/he may suspend that individual's membership. Such suspension must be ratified within two weeks by the Committee as a whole, and if ratified, lasts until the next General Meeting. Where there exists a possibility of range safety being compromised, a General Meeting has the power to revoke the membership of any individual, either permanently and unconditionally, or subject to any conditions that may be deemed suitable. If an individual is subjected to a suspension or removal of their membership, no refund will be made of any membership subscriptions.
All members as defined in Clause 9.2 other than Honorary Members shall pay an annual subscription to the Club at rates to be determined from time to time by members in a General Meeting.
All subscriptions become due at the start of the autumn/winter (indoor) shooting season, the actual date in any particular year to be decided by the Club Committee in accordance with the arrangements made in securing range facilities and affiliation to AGB.
A member who has not paid his/her subscription by more than three months after the due date in any year shall cease to be a member of the Club unless the Club Committee considers that there are extenuating circumstances. Note that persons who are not affiliated to AGB are not covered by our insurance (as arranged through AGB) and are therefore not permitted to participate at venues or events run by the Club, other than “Have A Go” sessions. See also §9.6.2 above.
The Club may introduce other rules governing the operation of the Club and the events and venues that it runs. Such rules will be publicised to members of the Club's website and
by any other means deemed appropriate.
 GNAS The Grand National Archery Society, now trading as AGB
 AGB Archery GB, previous known as GNAS
 SCAS Southern Counties Archery Society
 BAA Buckinghamshire Archery Association
 WA World Archery, previously know as FITA
 FITA Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc, now called WA